Well Crap

Well Crap
We all deal with it

Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Few Things

1. I really wish the platformer would be revived in modern video games. Mario (although awesome) shouldn't be the only source for such gameplay. This just further compels me to try and make that a reality.

2. College has taught me to think more realistically among other things. So it's nice to once and awhile think optimistically about certain things. Every great thing at some point started as a dream, and I try never to forget that.

3. I wish older women wouldn't wear PINK university clothing and such.

1 comment:

  1. I know the Wii is the overlooked console on the market, but the technology coming out with the Wii U is really going to push game design innovation to new levels. Not sure if you've seen sneaks of it at E3 but the capabilities they are talking about really spun my head.
