Some people can take all the great things they have for granted. The flowing bank account, the loyal friends, the wonderful significant other, or the parent that no matter what, always believes in you. All those things, especially the last three are what makes us who we are as people and unique individuals. The boy who grows up with friends who respect and love him is more likely to be willing to take more risks and live life to the fullest. Whereas the girl who is teased for her broad shoulders and large breasts, might grow up to be self cautious and eventually wall herself off emotionally and physically from the rest of the world. However if that girl was to get nothing more then undying support from her parents or loved one she would have the courage to become stronger then anyone who dares mock her.
Our emotional genes, are what defines us everyday. The shy girl, the angry guy, the creepy man or the sad women. These characteristics are the results of years of physical and emotional stimulation, both the positive and negative kind. You don't just simple burst from the womb a fully developed human being, you must endure life's bad times, and enjoy life's good times to be able to come to terms with who you are as an individual.
This is what makes us human. This is what makes us unique. This is what it's all about.